Proefles PSV Vitality Sports

Eenmalig aan te kopen en is vanaf moment van aankoop 1 maand geldig. Je mag deelnemen aan alle beschikbare trainingen ongeacht je niveau, na aanschaf kan je de training boeken via je account in het lesrooster. Bij lichamelijke klachten, geef dit aan bij de trainer. Can be purchased once and is valid for 1 month from the moment of purchase. You can participate in all available training courses regardless of your level, after purchase you can book the training via your account in the class schedule. In case of physical complaints, indicate this to the trainer.

All prices are including Sales tax where applicable

Start date
Amount to be paid now
From 27-07-2024

1 Months Duration

No auto renewal


PSV Vitality Sports
By paying this invoice I accept the Terms and Conditions
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